Pooja Gaur receives FUS Symposium 2018 Young Investigator Award
Pooja Gaur, a postdoctoral scholar in Radiology, received the FUS symposium 2018 Young Investigator Award. Recipients are chosen for the quality and scientific merit of their research.
Awarded for: Histological study of focused ultrasound neuromodulation and MR-ARFI in sheep [YI-4/P-YI-4]
Pooja Gaur earned her BS in Biomedical Engineering at the Johns Hopkins University, and her PhD at Vanderbilt University under the mentorship of Dr. William Grissom. During her doctoral research, she developed MRI methods for measuring temperature changes in the body during focused ultrasound heating treatments. As a postdoctoral scholar working with Dr. Kim Butts-Pauly at Stanford University, Dr. Gaur is investigating focused ultrasound through the skull and assessing tissue safety in the brain.